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Water tower

Widok budynku wieży ciśnień w kształcie walca z dachem w kształcie stożka. Budynek wystający z nad koron drzew.

The former waterworks tower was built around 1900.


It was built on a circular plan with a diameter of almost 13 meters and is 27 meters high. The decision to establish it was dictated by the development of the "Pokój" steelwork and the "Pokój" mine and the need to expand the necessary infrastructure for employees of these places.


The facility was part of the city's resources in the years 1907-1945 and 2005-2017. In the meantime, it remained in the hands of the company managing the city's waterworks. Currently, this place is awaiting development and remains closed on a daily basis.

(photo: Jan Mehlich)

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